"A high-tech futuristic tennis court suspended in mid-air by advanced anti-gravity technology. The court itself is made of transparent, glowing materials with neon lines marking the boundaries. Players are equipped with sleek, cybernetic suits that enhance their agility and strength, featuring embedded HUDs (Heads-Up Displays) showing real-time stats and strategies. The tennis rackets are made of lightweight, durable alloys with built-in energy projectors that can manipulate the trajectory of the ball. The ball itself is a glowing orb of energy, leaving a dazzling trail as it moves. The audience watches from floating platforms and using augmented reality (AR) glasses to get multiple perspectives of the game. The backdrop shows a sprawling, futuristic cityscape with flying cars and towering buildings."


"A high-tech futuristic tennis court suspended in mid-air by advanced anti-gravity technology. The court itself is made of transparent, glowing materials with neon lines marking the boundaries. Players are equipped with sleek, cybernetic suits that enhance their agility and strength, featuring embedded HUDs (Heads-Up Displays) showing real-time stats and strategies. The tennis rackets are made of lightweight, durable alloys with built-in energy projectors that can manipulate the trajectory of the ball. The ball itself is a glowing orb of energy, leaving a dazzling trail as it moves. The audience watches from floating platforms and using augmented reality (AR) glasses to get multiple perspectives of the game. The backdrop shows a sprawling, futuristic cityscape with flying cars and towering buildings."


Jun 20, 2024 05:45 AM







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