A majestic dragon with iridescent scales, blending hues of emerald and sapphire, is caught in a violent storm. Its wings are battered by torrential rain and lightning, while its eyes glow with a mixture of anger and sorrow. The dragon is perched on a jagged cliff, with the turbulent ocean crashing below. In the background, dark storm clouds churn, reflecting the dragon's inner turmoil. The scene is lit by flashes of lightning, casting eerie shadows on the dragon's powerful form. The dragon's claws grip the rock tightly, and its tail is wrapped around a shattered, ancient artifact that seems to hold some significance.


A majestic dragon with iridescent scales, blending hues of emerald and sapphire, is caught in a violent storm. Its wings are battered by torrential rain and lightning, while its eyes glow with a mixture of anger and sorrow. The dragon is perched on a jagged cliff, with the turbulent ocean crashing below. In the background, dark storm clouds churn, reflecting the dragon's inner turmoil. The scene is lit by flashes of lightning, casting eerie shadows on the dragon's powerful form. The dragon's claws grip the rock tightly, and its tail is wrapped around a shattered, ancient artifact that seems to hold some significance.


Jun 08, 2024 04:51 PM







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