"A logo that says 'Good Morning' in a cheerful, playful font with bright, uplifting colors. The text is in a cursive style, giving it a friendly and welcoming feel. Surrounding the text, there are elements like a rising sun, fluffy white clouds, and a steaming coffee cup, symbolizing the start of a new day. The background is a gradient of light blue and soft yellow, mimicking the colors of a morning sky. The overall design is simple yet vibrant, evoking a sense of positivity and energy. --ar 16:9 --v 6"


"A logo that says 'Good Morning' in a cheerful, playful font with bright, uplifting colors. The text is in a cursive style, giving it a friendly and welcoming feel. Surrounding the text, there are elements like a rising sun, fluffy white clouds, and a steaming coffee cup, symbolizing the start of a new day. The background is a gradient of light blue and soft yellow, mimicking the colors of a morning sky. The overall design is simple yet vibrant, evoking a sense of positivity and energy. --ar 16:9 --v 6"


Jun 24, 2024 08:57 AM







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